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Examen in Vlaanderen of Brussel?

Geplaatst: 18 jan 2022, 20:02
door beunixgeek

Mogelijks is dit vraag al vaker voorgekomen maar de materie verandert zo dikwijls lijkt me, dus ik vraag toch maar: kan je als inwoner van het Vlaams gewest eender waar je examen (theorie/praktijk) gaan afleggen? Zo ja, geldt dan ook voor Brussel? Zo nee, zijn er bepaalde beperkingen binnen Vlaanderen (provincies bijv)?

Re: Examen in Vlaanderen of Brussel?

Geplaatst: 19 jan 2022, 06:19
door GRO
Woon je in het Vlaams Gewest, dan leg je examen af in het Vlaams gewest.

Re: Examen in Vlaanderen of Brussel?

Geplaatst: 22 jan 2022, 02:02

I'am sorry I don't speak Flemish so I will ask my question in english if it's ok.
The thing is I see everybody who succeed in their exam and write comments about how this website help them to get them exam. But most of them are not from Brussels. So, I wanted to know if it doesn't change nothing to study on this website and do my exam in Brussels. Right ?
Thanks for the answer 😘

Re: Examen in Vlaanderen of Brussel?

Geplaatst: 22 jan 2022, 14:16
door Inazuma schreef: ↑22 jan 2022, 02:02 But most of them are not from Brussels.
Because in Brussels most people don't speak Flemish any more ...

Finding a driving instructor who speaks Flemish in BXL , has been an issue for years
They exist, but are rare ...

So, I wanted to know if it doesn't change nothing to study on this website and do my exam in Brussels.
The theory is the same

Requirements for practical exam are a bit different (mandatory first aid - possibility for direct access) to those in Flanders , however.

Remember that if you want to do the exams in Brussels and need the help of a driving school, you must choose one that is accredited by the Brussels region

This is their so-called English page

Looks a lot like French though ....