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instruction sign vs information sign

Geplaatst: 06 jul 2015, 19:24
door Alina

I have a question regarding the sign "advance warning of arrow markings,showing your choice of lane. This sign can indicate the different directions.the white line may be broken or solid"
So in the blue book in English it's called positive instruction sign.When I was doing a test online, question 7593 shows that this is wrong and it's an infromation sign. I've cheked on your website, in French and Dutch there is also a difference.So can you plesea clarify, because I'm going to do a theory test in English and want to know the right answer.
Thank you in advance!

Re: instruction sign vs information sign

Geplaatst: 06 jul 2015, 21:24
door Inazuma
Technically it's an indication sign (aanwijzingsbord F13)
There are no "information signs" in the Belgian highway code.
Indication signs / aanwijzingsborden is what comes closest.

You have to comply with the arrow markings on the road that the sign indicates.

The weird side of the Belgian highway code:

The sign exempts you from following the regular road rules regarding place on the road, overtaking etc,
but strangely there's no obligation in the code - if you comply with the regular road rules regarding position on the road and changes of direction - to actually follow the arrows on the sign and go in the indicated direction.

Re: instruction sign vs information sign

Geplaatst: 06 jul 2015, 22:02
door Alina
The simnification is more or less clear, but what type of name of this sign is normaly used during the theory exam? Because in the book, neither in online tests there are no names "indication" signs. So from the option 1-information or 2-instructive, which one do I have to choose?

Thank you!

p.s. In general it is quite confusing, because I don't know what to expect on the exam. The translated names of the signs in the book do not coincide with the name on the web site, some instructive signs are mixed up with information signs.

Re: instruction sign vs information sign

Geplaatst: 06 jul 2015, 22:40
door Inazuma
They just show the signs
Don't worry about the signs' names or numbers - they're not important

You need to know what they mean, and what they imply - then once you get out on the road, you must know what they mandate, forbid, ... or indicate and adapt your driving to them.

Instructions will be the "gebodsborden"
i.e. signs that require a mandatory (re)action from the driver ... /252-art69

Re: instruction sign vs information sign

Geplaatst: 07 jul 2015, 17:35
door Alina
Thank you very much!!!